Times they are a’ changing.

If you have not had a chance to look at our new website you can find it here:


Over the course of the next few weeks this will site will be changing to the employee page for the Plant Sciences Lab. We will be using to maximize the efficiency of our maintenance.  It will remain publicly available for ease of access and modifications. We hope you enjoy our new site and thanks for following.


Been awhile..

It certainly has!! I have ben a slacker on this blog…I have to admit. What is going on at the greenhouse. Our pepper seeds are popping up. Our tomato seeds are topping out of the soil. Our Rosemary transplants are rising. Our basil seeds are beginning…..and our Marigolds are making it!! Tomorrow while I am at the PSL, I will look at what pictures have been taken and put some up on here.

Another “situation” we are discussing is our use of Cedar Grove Potting soil. We have been using that particular brand since we opened, both for our plant use and the independent projects. As we have been hand mixing with that soil…we have noticed an increased amount of particulate matter…small pieces of plastic. Now most Cedar Grove products are composed of some recycled material. We have noticed an increase of these pieces of plastic during recent weeks. I think one option for us will be to investigate making our own potting soil. I will put some thoughts on here about that soon.

How about that rain!!!!!!

Hoy hoy,



The Headhouse

This area of the greenhouse is called the headhouse. This is where we do all of our work…..well…most of it. We keep all of our pots, soils, tools, and various do-da’s we have around to help us keep the plants we have healthy, wealthy, and wise. This is also a gathering place for the PSL staff to discuss what path we are going to take with our greenhouse goals and plans.We try to keep all of the planting of seeds and plants happening in this room…and keep that work out of the general growing area.

In the very near future, we will soon have a new PSL website….yes….dipping our toes into the 21st century!! Stay tuned and I will let you know when this event will occur.

Hoy hoy,



Here it is…

This is a great view of the PSL. To the north is an apartment complex and their parking garage. This photo was taken from the top floor of the school’s parking garage which lies to the south. The “black ” path leading from the semi-circle walkway in front of the greenhouse is a sort of French drain lined by compost sox. This drain takes in storm water that falls on the sidewalk and takes down to our rain garden that is up against the parking garage (not shown). The compost sox were generously donated by Cedar Grove Composting. They donated a total of 44 sox. These sox are a mesh material stuffed with compost. They work well as retaining walls, raised bed material, for what we are using them for here. We planted small ferns and other Northwest native plants in these sox. Next week I will take closer shot of the sox and give you more information about them.

Also, we are getting very close to completing our website. We have the basic layout and format, now I need to write the text and choose the pictures we will use on the site. We will use the pictures of Sarah Jesser, a student at the Seattle Creative Academy here at SCCC. She took some amazing pictures when she produced our video….and we are excited to use some of those pictures on our site. I will let you know more about the layout of the site next week. Next week…..I hope I can keep that promise…..

Hoy hoy,




You say tomato…..I say…

…here is a list of the tomatoes we have sprouting at the greenhouse. We received many requests last year during out spring plant sale for some nice varieties of tomatoes, so here is a list. Now, we are not in the business of selling plants. But we have found that these small sales bring not only students, staff, faculty and administration down to the greenhouse, but it also gives us a chance to meet our Capitol Hill neighbors…which is ALWAYS a plus. So…here is our list.

White Queen          Purple Russian          Violet Jasper

Green Moldovan    Orange Banana         Purple Calabash

Tasmanian Blushing      Monomakh’s Hat     Roma

Tomorrow…..the peppers!!!!

Happy March….




I am back…and the seeds are growing.

After a few days at Walt’s playground, I came back to the greenhouse to find a cadre of seeds planted for the upcoming spring season. I saw many different types of tomatoes, peppers…various eggplant, sage, basil. It looks as if our Culinary Students will have a treasure trove of yummy herbs and veggies to use this spring.

It also means we will have a much larger variety for our Greenhouse plant sales that happen every day that the greenhouse is open. Last year was our greenhouse “breaking in” stage. Could we grow certain plants in there?? How will they grow without the “chemical” fertilizers? We got our answer…..”very well thank you!” So, for those of you who asked for different varieties of peppers and tomatoes…they are on their way. We have not added any natural fertilizer to the tomatoes…yet. We want to give the plant a chance to have a nice…full..slow growth.

So, now that I am back, I will soon wrap up what the students have been doing..what the progress is on our aquaponics project and when will our website be ready!!

And…..was that really snow out there today??

Hoy hoy,
